
My journey


When I was 30, I decided to follow my heart towards professional fulfilment – my goal was to gain knowledge and experience in the field of personal development especially in ​​coaching. At that moment, my target group was not yet defined. The one thing I knew for certain was that I wanted to support people in achieving their goals and potential – in being brave, entrepreneurial, and decisive. I knew deep down that I wanted to teach people how to live life to the fullest. I had always been active in this area, but gaining knowledge about the functioning of the human being from a scientific perspective and the whole coaching process fascinated me so much that in 2011 I obtained an Accredited Diploma in Executive and Life Coaching.

My private and professional life up to my 30th birthday was full of the realisation of dreams and new experiences – I dived in the Red Sea on the reef, I went skiing on the Alpine slopes, I was basking on the beaches of Miami, I admired the beauty of Niagara Falls. All the while I was discovering my potential, studying abroad, and gaining international experience in recruitment and human resources. Plus I was creating a beautiful relationship with my now husband and I was surrounded by wonderful people.

I have always been a brave and decisive person. I was the first of my family to fly alone overseas to earn more money and improve my English. I have always been enterprising – from my early teenage years I had my own money that was earned as a camp animator, a market hostess promoting products in a supermarket, or a waitress taking orders from Scots – that was a real challenge! I’ve always found it easy to build relationships with people – supporting them in the process of building their sense of value and self-confidence. Working in international recruitment agencies and as a trainer in a financial services company helped me to develop these skills.

Of course, I also had my own mental limitations and negative beliefs. I suffered from lack of both confidence and the courage to take certain actions. I had a time when I was temporarily burnt out. However, regular and mental work on myself led me to the place where I am today.

  • Mother of two children, wife of my best friend
  • Passionate about a healthy lifestyle and adventure
  • 10 years of international experience in the professional market, including 5 years of working for myself – visit my LinkedIn profile
  • Regular contributor of expert statements in the media
  • Over 800 hours of coaching and mentoring practice
  • Over 2,000 participants in lectures, seminars and face-to-face presentations
  • Over 3,000 participants in training and online webinars
  • Author of a popular online program ‘Awaken Your Awesomeness Within You’
  • Trainer of the Silva Method in Ireland
  • Founder and Owner of the Awesomeness brand.

My expertise packed into online courses, webinars, coaching and mentoring sessions as well as face-to-face seminars will give you a life full of satisfaction, stable and profitable business, love, happiness, travel, and freedom. As a future or experienced entrepreneur, you will start to breathe deeply, stress will become your friend and you’ll become more productive.

That’s what I want for you, it’s my mission.



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